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Importance of "Terraform State" file. 🔍Research: Dive into the importance of Terraform state in managing infrastructure. Discover how Terraform...
🎯1. Create a Terraform configuration file to define a resource of AWS EC2 instance, Azure storage account, Google Compute Engine, etc. (any one). Eg:...
✅ Basics of Python (Installation and Datatypes) ✅ Downloading the Python Installer Go to the below link and download the latest version of...
🐧Linux Commands ls - The most frequently used command in Linux to list directories pwd - Print working directory command in Linux cd - Linux...
Git Stash: Git stash is a command that allows you to temporarily save changes you have made in your working directory, without committing them. This...
Day-5 #90DaysOfDevOps · Task1--> Write a Shell Script using either loops or command with start day and end day variables using arguments. Write a...